'Welcome to our Church. We are a little Church with a big heart.
We hope you will want to join us and share our love of God'.
We are here to help everybody understand the love of God and how this love influences our daily lives.
We are committed to:
helping people to grow through mutual support, care and prayer;
being a good neighbour to people in need;
being good listeners;
challenging injustice;
working for the good of all in the name of Jesus Christ.
We welcome everybody, whoever they are and however life has treated them. It’s OK not to be OK!
Our Church is a place where the deepest questions about life can be explored and where hope is awakened through Christ’s life and teaching.
We get involved in practical concern for others as we look for ways to show Christ’s love in action.
We are proud of the fact that we are a joint Methodist and United Reformed Church and a church in the Meon Valley Methodist Circuit. We are served by ministers and lay preachers of both denominations.